Keynote Address “The Trust Within” 3rd ACA World Conv. Recorded in Toronto, Ont., CDN (20.6mb) (0:29:56) SKU: GAL-18-ACAW
“How We Came To ACA” 2nd ACA World Conv. Recorded in San Diego, CA (1:28:17) — EMS-17-ACAW
“To Integrate Or Surrender Steps 6 & 7” in Swedish 4th ACA World Conv. Recorded in Malmo, SWE (0:56:07) — EJ-19-ACAW
“Chapter 8 The Next Step” 3rd ACA World Conv. Recorded in Toronto, Ont., CDN (1:17:48) — EG-18-ACAW
“Why Traditions Matter-Spiritual Principles and The Laundry List” 4th ACA World Conv. Recorded in Malmo, SWE (1:06:25) — ED-19-ACAW
“Dominant Handwriting” 2nd ACA World Conv. Recorded in San Diego, CA (14.3MB) (1:23:34) SKU: DS-17-ACAW
“Drawing Out Your 4th Step Inventory With Your Other Hand” 4th ACA World Conv. Recorded in Malmo, SWE (69.5MB) (1:05:56) SKU: DI-19-ACAW
“A Different Way to View the 14 Traits of the ACA Laundry List” 3rd ACA World Conv. Recorded in San Diego, CA (1:08:57) — DH-18-ACAW
“Dominant Handwriting” 3rd ACA World Conv. Recorded in Toronto, Ont., CDN (1:08:54) — DAV-18-ACAW
“Forgiveness” 4th ACA World Conv. Recorded in Malmo, SWE (0:58:49) — DA-19-ACAW